Thursday, 15 November 2012

Who Would You Most Like To Meet?

If you had the choice, who would you most like to meet?

Here are my top 5 in no particular order -
  •     Barack Obama
  •     Rafael Nadal
  •     Dr Sheldon Cooper - Big Bang Theory
  •     Professor Brian Cox
  •     Ed Rivis
You will probably be familiar with my top four - maybe Ed Rivis is someone you are not familiar with but you are losing out if not.  Why? you might ask.

Every week or so, a newsletter finds its way into my Inbox and its always jam packed full of free advice (sometimes, I think he gives away far too much FREE advice but he obviously knows best).  Ed is such a good writer, I actually look forward to receiving them.

This week's is entitled - "How to Run a Blog that Generates More Enquiries Without Having to Slave Over a Keyboard For Hours Every Week'.

By signing up, you will get "cutting edge insights about one of the most effective techniques for generating leads & enquiries online".

Prepared to be inspired.  Here's the link -

So, the secret's out - Ed Rivis is the person I would most like to meet because, although rewarding, blogging and newsletter writing is not that easy to do and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Who would you most like to meet?

All the very best
Tel: 01775 761512

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