Thursday, 26 January 2012

I Didn't Know You Did That, Christine

How many times have people said to you "I didn't know Drive By Websites did that, Christine".

"Yes, we've been doing that for months now, surprised you hadn't heard?"

But, of course, they couldn't possibly have heard because I hadn't bothered to tell them - just assumed they would know.

"Shame, I didn't know you did that Christine because I've since bought from your competitor".

One thing that's been actioned as a matter of some urgency from Alchemy's fantastic Marketing Action Plan is to promote everything we do at every possible opportunity.

By brainstorming "what we actually do" we've even come up with some new additions that can be developed over the course of the next few months and "sold".  You can do this too.

Brainstorm and think about it.   I can guarantee that you will have another product or service that can be "sold".   Say, you are a plumber - do you know what I would find really useful?  "What to do in the event of a leak".   It's sad, I know, but in all honesty I have no idea and I won't be the first.   What I would genuinely pay good money for is a leaflet explaining what to do in a plumbing crisis.

Drive By Websites' "I didn't know you did that" has now been actioned. 

Here's how.  We keep in regular contact with our Drive By clients.   Every three months or so, a letter goes out giving easy, no cost advice in respect of how to "market" their websites. 

Yesterday, a batch of these letters were due to go out but, this time, a flyer was attached promoting our other services:
  • Newsletter set up
  • E-commerce websites
  • Refresher sessions
  • Also a little plug about this blog
You can do the same - don't assume that people know what you do - make strenuous efforts to advertise and promote your complete product line and service at every opportunity.   By brainstorming, you will be surprised what "I didn't know you did thats" you can come up with!

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